[Original Story] Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition marks the series' debut on Nintendo Switch, bringing the Bandai Namco's RPG complete experience that was only previously available on PlayStation 3 in Japan, but it seems like players getting the physical edition of the game will be forced to download additional data in order to play.
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Earlier today, Bandai Namco revealed the Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition Anniversary Bundle for North America and the Premium Edition for Europe. The images showcasing the two editions feature the case for all the console versions of the game, and the Nintendo Switch one features a banner which mentions of the required download. Bandai Namco has yet to comment on the matter so it's definitely not confirmed yet.
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So with that in mind, let's take a look at Tales of Vesperia, the demo of which has recently found its way onto PSN... analysed by MazingerDUDE. Curiously, the actual content of the demo is very different to what Xbox 360 owners got in their download, but there are several differences and similarities that can be discerned. Tales of Vesperia runs at 30FPS in the field sections, while the battle sections run at a crisp 60FPS on both systems. Similarly each version is v-synced, with no tearing.
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Disclosures: This game was obtained via paid digital download and reviewed on the PC. Approximately 80 hours of play was devoted to multiplayer modes, and there is no offline option available. 2ff7e9595c